On issues of all national importance, there is almost a non-existent response from the leaders of the Gerakan and MCA. How true. They are actually the puppets whose strings are firmly attached to the malay Umno.
It is true what the ex-PM Dr Mahathir has been proclaiming - newspapers in Malaysia are under the control of government - so where can anyone find true news in Malaysia?
And what about the non-malay party of MIC? This party is being monopolised by Samy Vellu who is another puppet of Umno.
I am ex-citizen of Malaysia. I came to Singapore in 1989, become a citizen of Singapore in 1997. Unfortunately, my education was did in Malaysia where unfair education regulations and rules are faced by Chinese, Indians and other non-malays.
The malays are allowed to enter their A Levels even if they get a Grade 3 for SPM. As for the non-malays, they can only enter A Levels with a Grade 1. The malays are automatically given scholarships, while the others are required to apply and play the waiting game.
To enter into local universities, non-malays need nothing less than excellent results. If one is taking history as a subject for A Levels, Islamic history is a compulsory topic. But English, a global tool, is a non-compulsory passing subject.
That is why I left. I left a country where there is no system, an unfair government which only cares only for malays interest with no equal opportunity or equal treatment for the others.
What have Gerakan, MCA or MIC done for us? Nothing. Only the opposition DAP says the things which are truly happening in Malaysia. Who is Khairy to talk about Penang? What does he know about being marginalized?
The Indians in Malaysia, especially in the rural areas, are in pitiful state. Who is supposed to care for them? The MIC just leaves them to rot away.
Senior minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew has done a favour for the Chinese in Malaysia by voicing his views recently. Who is going to voice out the plight of the Indians in Malaysia? We non-malays have tolerated the government for far too long.
Come the next elections, I hope many will awaken from their dream and vote for the right people to bring Malaysia to greater heights. They so far have been failed by the money politics of Barisan Nasional.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:44:00 下午
Well, NEP actually is not that bad for non-malays after all. Everything has its cons and pros. 10 years ago, thanks to NEP, I was rejected by UM when I applied for engineering course. I was admitted to NUS of Singapore instead for engineering course.
Today, I can proudly say that I was graduated from a top 10 university in the Asia. If I were to admit to UM 10 years ago, today I might be too ashamed to tell people that I had graduated from UM.
For those talented non-malays, looks global if Malaysia does not welcome you. Be farsighted, be realistic and look beyond Malaysia, nobody in Malaysia appreciate your patriotism.
I graduated from NUS since I was abandoned by UM and now I am working in a MNC in Singapore. I doubt I can find any job back in Malaysia with the same pay and job satisfaction.
I have a cousin who just graduated from a USA university and immediately offered a job with US$5000, which is RM18000, almost equal our PM Badawi's pay.
You see, your future is brighter every way you go if you are talented, why restrict yourself to Malaysia who does not welcome you! You will be rotten fast staying put here.
If we look at history, a country who did not cherish its talents sure will not going any way except doom. Sad to say Malaysia never learns from the history and repeating the same mistake again.
With the current rate of brain drain, one day the local talents will be dried up. No foreign company will want to invest in a country where they had difficulty hiring employees especially in high tech area.
Soon all those companies left behind are purely agriculture or which rely on Malaysia's natural resources. Malaysia is going to nowhere if the existing policy is not changed. Vision 2020 is only remaining a dream, I can guarantee you with 99% confident.
My company is a USA MNC operating in Singapore. We have a design center here, half of whose employees are Malaysians. We had also a few factories in Johor Bahru, Melaka as well as Penang.
Based on the high percentage of Malaysian employees, if my company will to operate in Malaysia, the operating cost could be more than half. But my company still stay put in Singapore. Why? Mainly due to government policy.
Firstly the NEP, secondly they can't find enough talented local to fill in the position. At the end, my company is moving the low value added, low wage manufacturing job to Malaysia partly because of cheap labour and land cost.
If it is not due to its proximity to Singapore (near to design center), the manufacturing will be moved to Vietnam long time ago. Thus, this is why Singapore per capital is 3X Malaysia. How can Malaysia improve its GDP with only attracting low wage manufacturing job!
Malaysia once is competing with Singapore for foreign investment but not anymore. Now with China, India, Thailand, even Vietnam catching up and opening up fast, Malaysia is competing with these countries for low wage manufacturing job.
With the NEP and other policy, soon Malaysia is losing a tougher war (Vietnam's labour and land is even cheaper than Malaysia). This is why many MNC like Intel had moved their manufacturing site to Vietnam from Malaysia. This is fact and it is happening now, if the government does not do anything, that is it for Malaysia.
This is the con of NEP. But this NEP thing will never diminish the talented mind of non-malays. The more the discrimination, the more non-malays will look for other way to flourish.
UM is like a terminally ill patient and it is beyond cure, there is no point crying over spilled milk. One day, UM will be like the government primary school, abandoned by non-malays.
If there is no opportunity for non-malays in Malaysia, they will look beyond Malaysia, believe me, as a non-malay, if you can survive the harsh discriminative condition in Malaysia, you can flourish and survive any places in this world.
As I said before, NEP is just like a drug for the malays, it can bring short term satisfaction to the malays. Everybody including malay knows that this drug is not good for long term but the malays got so addicted that they can not live without it anymore.
But on the other hand, for the non-malays, the NEP had caused some short term unhappiness but this will not harm them for the long term, they will study harder, work harder, and get better result, survive anyway in the global world.
The non-malays had becoming stronger eventually while the malays will become weaker and weaker until one day, they will not be able to survive in the global world. One very good example is our national car, Proton.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:46:00 下午
Firstly since the non-malays are doing well, in fact better than the malays, why not continue giving the malays special prerogatives at the expense of the non-malays? It is only a fair redistribution of 'endowments'.
To put in a different way, is the current system imposing an artificial constraint on all Malaysians towards achieving greater progress and welfare?
The second question we should ask is whether a gradual dismantling of the system would be disastrous to the peace of the country or would the continuation of the system serve to further segregate the races in the country, hence detrimental to the peace of the country in the long run?
The fear that the malays will lose out seems to stem from the assumption that this is all a zero-sum game. If non-malays gain, the malays will lose. This is a very misleading assumption.
Progresses for part of a community will most of the time spillover onto the rest of the community. Furthermore, under the current system, it is generally accepted that complacency plagues the malays. This is inevitable as the current system generates a great amount of moral hazards.
Hence, putting everyone on a level-playing field will benefit all.
Secondly, to claim that the non-malays want to remove the special rights of the malays solely as an act to conform to international standards is a dire fallacy.
The affirmative action policy was instrumental in ensuring the peace of the country 30 years ago, but continuing under such a system will inevitably cause a further racial divide. It is very hard not to prevent this when racial discrimination is constitutional.
Bangsa Malaysia? Bah, humbug!
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:49:00 下午
Malaysia only hits the world's headlines when something goes wrong.
Nothing unusual there. Malaysia is regarded as a rogue state and whenever Malaysia is mentioned, it is always alongside countries which are corrupt and backward.
More recently, also a hotbed or a haven for radical Islam.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:53:00 下午
Malay leaders in Malaysia like to see their folks contained in a chicken coop. They tell them that they are free and yet to be beholden to them as they are the ones providing them their feed.
They even believe that if they left the coop, they might be eaten up by the wily fox, and that they might otherwise starve to death.
The Singapore malays is in no illusions and they know they are out of the coop. They got to find their own nourishment and they got no leader throwing in the crumbs to them.
If they don't want to labour for their food, they can always go across the causeway and be given citizenship rights and take advantage of all the crumbs thrown at them. But most of them will not.
Of course the chicken shit from there have all long crossed over. But the rest have a little more dignity and stay on to show what they are really made up of.
I respect the Singapore malays for that. It does not matter that they have made a lot of wrong turns or that they have hardly a fighting chance. But they got more respect and dignity than their kinsfolk from over here Malaysia.
This is what half-past-six ministers that we have in Malaysia. Even comparison between Singapore malays and Malaysian Chinese, Singapore malays are never discriminated by their government based on equality.
I have so many Singapore malay friends from school mates, college mates to business partners. Penang malays would be so glad if they are treated like Singapore malays. Just ask the Singaporeans……….do they want to be back to Malaysia?
The problem with the Malaysia malays is their jealous attitude. If they are left behind, they will prevent others from moving ahead too! And sometimes even sabotaging others, and some resort the use to cast spell on others.
Not only the laid back malays are preventing their own people from being successful, but other races too. We also want the malays to be successful by creating value in the society so that everyone benefit but not by taxing the non-malays then give contracts to the malays, who will then deliver half-past-six service.
Change your own attitude first through value creation using your own tears and sweats!
As said before, had Malaysia been managed by Lee Kuan Yew and his colleagues for the past 40 years, Malaysia would have been much better off today, including all the malays! 95% would have owned a house, and no such rampant corruption!
For the malay ultras, facts speak louder than your bigotry cries, wake up, grow up, be men instead of sissies!
You see the problem here - the malays just cannot face up to their main problem - laziness. This shows how thick-skinned and self-deluded these people are.
Malaysia is a multi-racial country. Jika kamu tak suka, kamu boleh blar……….tiada orang larang kamu.
The fact is malays you are the biggest loser! I am trying to wake you up instead of using the way like what our government is practice to provide NEP even though it is proven NEP is a failure in the past 30 years. Keep on dreaming if you think Malaysia could achieve Vision 2020 with your kind of attitude!
Majority of the Penang big government contracts is being awarded to the malay firms. What else you want! They get the same as other malays in Malaysia. The only different in Penang is, the Umno guys cannot tap the government fund into their own pocket, as other state Umno did. This is the main reason why they raised this issue.
Speaking without substances and distorting facts seems to be the good old habitual ways of Malaysia malays, which is probably inherited by their much loved masters, the "malay killers" - Umno.
To add to this, constant distorted facts with regards to the situational state of the Singapore malays remains among the commentators of Umno. It is hard not to see that some people really need to see the situation and know it first hand before dishing out their empty vessel mentalities.
Anyways, good thing you be it Malay, Indian, Chinese in Singapore is open to competition, and cherish diversity. Not like the radical son of terrorist we can find many in Malaysia.
Most malays in Malaysia hate diversity and discontent to the minorities, especially the Chinese. In blog, radical malays can be either extreme or pretentiously diverse-minded. Very few is genuine.
I do admit there are lazy malays that depend on handouts, but this kind of malays will be phase out and this kind I would say hypocrite. They tend to claim they work hard to achieve success, in fact they relaying on government support. I myself despise this kind of human being.
Little do they realize this safety net is fast disappearing because the government is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the system in the face of global challenges! But these handouts have become an addiction. Refuse the junkie and you get booted out of power.
It is the malays themselves that must come to realize the damaging side effects of the NEP. For someone who wants no better than to see his own race succeed, this must be painful.
And you can often see the malays are usually envious of not only the non-malays, but of their own successful malays as well.
Malays failed is a fact. What make non-malays not happy about their failure is, they fail despite get ample help from the government.
And they continue putting the blame on their fail to, especially the Malaysian Chinese. This is why created so many issue and argument here.
But those greedy Umno guys keep emphasis the NEP, how many percent of the country wealth belong to malays. In fact, those Umno guys having super good life by easy way.
And they keep on demanding, not really review what was wrong with it, putting the blame to non-malays, to stir the racist sentiment in the country.
If present situation continue, even the malays get 60% of the country wealth, majority of the malays will still munch.
Simple solution - come to Singapore and see for yourselves even if you want to guise that our Singapore malays are in lesser numbers on success than the Malaysia idiotic counterparts - our Singapore malays are based on merit and not on such keris wielding Umno policies……….are you proud of that?
Once again, in a subtle and indirect manner, this forum has proven how naive and "katak bawah tempurung" a Malaysia malay can be. Blame who? The Umno policies.
Yes, start collecting the achieves with regards to moral degradation among Malaysia malays. Look at the Umno ministers when they speak on national TV. Qualify or not become ministers with such low reactive capabilities?
Some Malaysia malays saying Singapore malays quota should be more in the Singapore cabinet if compared to the Indians. First, Singapore government is based on merit system and not like you bunch of racist morons here. That is why Malaysia is so backward if compared to Korea and others.
Not many Malaysia malays can survive if they go oversea because they are slow and lazy and that is why they can't compete with the competitive market out there. Normally they will end up hiding their heads in Malaysia with the protection and biased system by the Malaysia government.
Come on, man. We do not have time to argue the truth of your on and on talk about "not all malays are spoofed, not all malays are lazy". Like we are dying to argue that when we already know it is true.
It is human nature to blame everyone about their plight rather than blame themselves. The majority of new generation of malays in Singapore is educated, unlike their parents.
Please read the comments made by Singapore malays why they can hold their heads up and be proud as a Singapore malay and then maybe it will sink into you.
Muslims everywhere unless they are the minority, cannot tolerate people with different religions. The Singapore government handles the situation rather well as they handle their malay community with kid gloves.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:55:00 下午
Mahathir thought that if you throw enough money, you can buy the best of anything.
He thought he can buy automobile technology, steel making capability, Silicon Valley can be created by money, biotech industry can be grown by pumping money, so can a fine institution of learning.
All failed.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:57:00 下午
The Umno is either obfuscating or confused. Why would we want to remove the political boundaries that delineate the countries of Southeast Asia? The different countries of this region are a political reality. To imagine that these nations do not exist is mere wishful fantasy.
When we say malays, we refer to the ethnic groups who live in the malay Peninsular, east Sumatra, Brunei and some parts of East Malaysia. These ethnic groups speak the various dialects of the malay language. Our constitution even defines what is a malay. It attaches a religious condition.
How the present-day malays came to the malay Peninsular is no mystery. There were ancient kingdoms such as Langkasuka. However, it was the Malacca sultanate that firmly established the malay institution and culture in Peninsular Malaysia. This was in the 1400s. Subsequently, there was periodic and gradual migration from Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java.
As an extension of this warped reasoning, most Indonesians and Filipinos can migrate to Malaysia. When they do, and if they are Muslims, then they are malays. Therefore they will enjoy the privileges accorded to the bumis in Malaysia. It does not matter if they just migrated yesterday.
The most unbelievable thing about this episode is that there are actually people like somebody who feels the need to defend this bigotry. That as the man says, 'how low can you go?'
匿名, at 1/25/2007 08:59:00 下午
In Malaysia, corrupted ministers get to keep their jobs because we are so pathetic, we don't have anyone more able or clever like Rafidah.
So, she gets to keep her post. Better keep the smart and corrupt than to train newer ones!
Oh, forgot brain drain. All the rubbish we have, have gone to other countries. The rubbish we have is the best among the best.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 09:01:00 下午
Let us face it, Malaysians.
National Airline = MAS = Loss Big
National Bank = Bank Bumi = Loss Also
National Car = Proton = Tak Boleh
National Policy = NEP = Never Ending Problem
National Road = Toll = Money For Warlock
National University = UM = Joke
In other words, whatever touch nationalised, just wait for the vultures to start feasting. Malaysians, you buggers are being taken for a ride by your leaders and yet, come election, don't know how to vote properly for the future of your children and next generation.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 09:02:00 下午
I am a 10th generation Chinese in Malaysia and my ancestors and I have known only Malaysia as our home.
And yet everyday, I hear malays calling me 'pendatang' and unpatriotic. I find this totally unacceptable because I am a law-abiding citizen who pays my taxes diligently. Citizens should not be treated differently based on race.
Similarly, if an ethnic Chinese student has performed well, he should be awarded scholarship just as an ethnic Malay student who has performed equally well is awarded one. Is it too difficult to understand that not all Chinese are rich and not all malays are poor?
If a malay feels that he has the right to call me 'pendatang' and tell me to migrate because he feels his ancestors have been here long enough, by the same logic, I too have the same right to do that to him.
Orang Asli is the general name given to different groups of indigenous people of this land. Take the Negrito, for instance. They are definitely not the same as the malays. The languages of the Negrito and Senoi are related to the indigenous languages of Burma, Indochina and Thailand.
The only group of Orang Asli which shares similarities with those whom we know as the malays of today are the Proto-malays, who had arrived at this land much later than the Negrito and Senoi.
Those whom we know as malays today are Deutro-malays who arrived even later. Thus, malays are also outsiders who migrated to this land just like the non-malays. The only difference is the malays migrated earlier.
However, this sweeping statement that all malays and Orang Asli are one and the same cannot stand since only a minority of Orang Asli have become Muslims and there are even fewer who have fulfilled all three constitutional requirements.
匿名, at 1/25/2007 09:05:00 下午
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